Winter Relief

The Freezing temperatures, heavy snow and chilling winds are putting thousands of families and older people lives in jeopardy as they struggle helplessly to keep their small children and older people warm and sheltered from the harsh winter conditions.These harsh and severe conditions of winter cause the collapse of infrastructure, also causes avalanches, and can pushesthehomeless people in danger. So these poor people are urgently in need of blankets, food, medicine, and emergency shelters in order to protect them from severe winter. Because of extreme poverty they can`t afford to buy material to keep themselves warm. Therefore Rahbar Foundation appeals to all of you to support with your generous donations. Your generous support enables us to effectively address the needs of these poverty stricken families and provide winter relief to them.

Donate $100 to provide blankets and warm clothes to a family!

Together we can make a difference. Your gift of $100 brings blankets and warm clothes to the entire family. You can donate your zakat and sadaqah generously to Rahbar Foundation and extend support to the needy people to buy winter relief materials. You can donate online through safe and secure online PayPal system. You can make a onetime donation or can set up monthly recurring donation. Please click on DONATE NOW and complete donation process.