School Bag Kits

As we all know when a school year begins for children, they must have basic supplies to attend the school. Due to increasing poverty, many families are forced with the decision of buying food or school supplies for their children. Even majority of schools in the rural villages and urban slums do not have enough text books to teach the children, leave alone any writing journals for the children to practice their writing skills. The situation is very serious. As a result, teachers have to copy out texts stemming from their own copy of the books, while the children do their work on scraps of old paper. In some schools, where the situation is a little better, five children share one text book, some pens and pencils amongst each other to complete their homework even parents can`t afford to buy them. How can anyone learn anything under these conditions?

Donate Zakat and Sadaqah for school bag kits!

Rahbar Foundation is therefore making an appeal to you to donate generously to provide school bag kits that consist of: text books, children story books, pens, pencils, crayons, exercise books, notebooks, drawing books, calculators, rulers, and any other materials that they need. There are many options that you can donate to sponsor school bag kits.

  • Sponsor one school bag kit with just $10
  • Sponsor school bag kits for entire class of 20 students with just $ 200
  • Sponsor school bag kits for entire school of 300 students with just $ 3000

Please help us to make a difference, and enable children to have the basic necessities needed to create an adequate learning environment. You can make one time donation or you can set up monthly recurring donation using safe and secure PayPal system at our website. Please click on DONATE NOW to change the life of these unfortunate children.