
Rahbar Foundation is USA based 501 (C) (3) approved non-profit charitable organization with Tax exempt ID: 47-3151781 We at Rahbar Foundation dedicated to providing charitable assistance in the field of education, healthcare, hunger, emergency relief and other social welfare services to alleviate the poverty of underprivileged people. Every dollar contributed by donors is used as efficiently as possible to maximize the impact. Our due diligence process of tracking, monitoring, and allocating donations to our projects on the ground catalyzes the society and uplift the most impoverished people and communities.

  • To conduct, coordinate and promote various educational, social, cultural, healthcare, and economic upliftment activities to benefit underprivileged people of economic and socially backward societies.
  • To raise and solicit funds from the donors and grants from corporate companies in USA to carry out the welfare programs directly or in cooperation with other non-profit charitable organizations working to eradicate poverty, improve quality of life and to promote economic development by implementing educational and healthcare programs, especially for underprivileged people, in the economically backward areas.
  • To raise, solicit, receive charitable funds and donations to carry out worthy humanitarian programs and rapid relief operations during natural causes like famine, Earthquake, flood, fire , ethnic clashes and other calamities of similar nature either directly or in cooperation with other non-profit organizations.
  • To assist and provide funding to other non-profit charitable organizations engaged in the activities for the welfare of mankind irrespective of race, color, caste, sex, age, language, community, religion and region.
  • To provide charitable assistance to empower the underprivileged people of the society through socio-economic development programs such as micro-finance for setting up small businesses, self-employment schemes, food packets distribution, warm clothes distribution during winter etc.
  • To empower underprivileged people through education and socio-economic development programs in collaboration with other NGO`s whose objectives are in similar.
  • To establish and maintain Educational institutions such as Schools, Colleges, Vocational training centers to impart education and training to the needy students also distribute school bag kits, uniforms and study materials to the needy students.
  • To set up and maintain vocational, technical, professional colleges/centers to impart technical and professional training to the poor students for their economic empowerment
  • To provide modern education and training in modern technology to the economically backward students in the society.
  • To provide the educational and training to the poor without discrimination of caste or creed and enabling them to earn their livelihood after the training
  • To provide training for physical and mental development of the students to mold them into good citizens of the country.
  • To establish institutions for research and development in Science and language Arts.
  • To provide aid or financial assistance and scholarship to the brilliant, poor deserving students for school and higher studies.
  • To purchase, acquire, construct and maintain the buildings and land for the purpose of institutions and hostels for students and staff.
  • To provide financial assistance to aid old aged persons, widows, blind, orphans, poor girls marriages and to render assistance for relief of the poor and destitute.
  • To aid for medical treatment, medicines and other medical facilities to serve the poor and deserving patients.
  • To arrange, organize seminars, conferences, workshops and meetings etc. to create awareness among unemployed youth about available resources for educational and employment opportunities.
  • To establish and run dispensaries and hospitals, training centers for nurses and the paramedical staff, Medical colleges and research centers, medical camps for the treatment of poor, destitute, and needy.
  • To establish and maintain libraries, reading rooms, book banks for the use of students and general public.
  • To spread Technical Education among the youth to minimize unemployment problems.
  • To organize State, regional, national and global conventions and conferences with a view to promote and accomplish all above objectives.