Donate to Medical Treatment Support Fund

Free Medical Camps

In developing countries majority of the people are living below the poverty line in villages and urban-slums. They struggle day to day for survival also faces difficulty to find the work to support their family. In such situations it is even unimaginable for them to think of healthcare unless there is any emergency arises.Due to the ever-increasing costs, these poor people cannot even afford to pay the consultation fee to the doctors. During their financial difficulty, they may feel happy and comfort experience if they get an opportunity to attend free medical camps and get the medicines free of cost.Rahbar Foundation in collaboration with local hospitals and medical colleges organizes free medical camps in remote villages and in urban-slums and distribute medicines free of cost. We even organize free medical camps in the event of epidemic outbreaks, natural disasters, flash floods and other similar calamities.Volunteer medical professionals from local hospitals and medical colleges participate in these free medical camps. The expenses of free medical camp and medicines are incurred from the donations supported by the generous donors like you.

Sponsor a free Medical camp with just $500 only!

Rahbar Foundation is dedicated to providing medical services to the poor and unprivileged people with your generous support. As we know maintaining good health is a first step towards a happy life. Yet vast segments of the world's population have neither access to proper nutrition nor medical care, nor have they received even the most rudimentary education in achieving and maintaining good health. It is the responsibility of fortunate people like all of us to help these helpless poor people to maintain good health to good society. Each camp at a village of approximate 200 beneficiaries will cost only $500. Please sponsor a medical camp with your zakat and sadaqah and get the reward from Allah SWT. One person can donate for one camp or two people can share with $250 each or five people can share$100 each to sponsor a medical camp. Please click on DONATE NOW to sponsor a medical camp in a remote village or urban-slum area.