Donate charity for First Aid Kit,

Free Medicine & First Aid Kits

In remote villages people are very poor and living under the poverty line also they struggle day to day for survival. They are not in a position to pay consultation fees even while visiting doctors so they avoid going to the doctors and look for homemade remedies for treatment.Rahbar Foundation in collaboration with local medical professionals will train some selected people in each village with basic nursing skills and how to do first aid in case of emergency. These trained people are called as community health workers and will look after the entire village. Regularly our volunteer medical professionals visit villages and educate them about the importance of healthcare services and maintaining hygienic conditions. These community workers will keep enough medicines with them and give to the patients free on need basis.

Sponsor one First Aid Kit with $ 25 only!

Rahbar Foundation will distribute First Aid kits to every home in villages so that they should be able to take care of themselves in case of minor injuries. These First Aid Kits provide a quick, handy storage solution for minor accidents, fever, allergies and other medical emergencies.The primary purpose of distributing first aid supplies to villagers is to apply basic first aid to the patient while he is not yet brought to the hospital to be seen and checked by a professional doctor.First aid kits are important and all homes should have them. Injuries can happen anywhere and anytime. Having a first aid kit that can be easily accessed ensures that everyone in the home is safe. The kits can be used in reducing infections that come from open wounds and also severity of an injury.

Sponsor Free Medicines with just $25 only!

First aid kits can be assembled with a wide variation of contents, supplies and equipment, all for use in giving first aid. Basically these First Aid kits will have the following supplies:

  • Antibiotic ointment
  • Tincture Iodine solution
  • Multi size bandages
  • Sterile strips and butterfly bandages
  • Tapes- include duct, adhesive and paper
  • Thermometer
  • Instant cold packs
  • Cotton balls and cotton-tipped swabs
  • Scalpels
  • Nitrile gloves
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Claritin (non-drowsy antihistamine)- fever/allergies
  • Alcohol pads
  • Scissors and tweezers
  • Several large safety pins
  • Magnifying glass
  • Rubber bag (hot water bottle)
  • Benadryl (Allergies/body itching)
  • Paracetamol (pain Killer/Fever reducer)
  • Eucalyptus essential oil (ZindaTilismat)

Please donate generously $50 or more to sponsor free medicines and First Aid kits to distribute in villages to the poor people. Please click on DONATE NOW to sponsor medication kits.